Saturday, June 4, 2011


Better late than never...we have been so busy that I haven't had much of a chance to get to Internet.

None of us slept on any of our 3 flights from Des Moines to Madrid, and we got in just before 8am, so it was a long, long morning before we could check-in at the hotel at 1pm. I think it really combat the jet lag early though.

We visited the Museo del Prado and then went back to take a much needed few hour nap. We ended up having our own awesome apartment just off of Gran Vía, which was a great spot, and we were able to pick up a few things at the nearby Corte Ingles to make our own pasta dinner..yum! That night we went to a Flamenco show--very different than the one I saw last time I was here but still cool.

One thing that was really challenging was the shift from Nicaragua Spanish back to Spain Spanish...the vocab and dialogue are slightly different, so it was still understandable, but it made me realize how long it has really been since I was in Spain last!!

The next morning, we went to the Plaza del Sol area and looked around the shops, saw all the protestors in the square (people are living in tents there to protest that the government isn't really doing anything to help fight the 21% unemployment rate in Spain. I was worried this might be a dangerous area that could blow at any minute, but it was actually really laid back..they just wanted the voice of the people to be heard! They were so settled in the square that they even had a make-shift library set up!), and saw the Puerta del Sol (very center [East-West] of Spain).

We also went to check out some of the palaces and gardens - an absolutely beautiful place for a picnic!

Then it was time to head back to the airport to catch our flight to Paris. Great to be back in Spain again, I'm excited to be coming back in another couple weeks!!

Sent from my iPod

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