Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Germany is the first place I've ever been where I'm completely clueless on the language. Thankfully, nearly everyone speaks English. And for those who don't, I have been working on my gesturing skills.

Our first day here, we went to Mittenwald, a tiny mountain town about two hours away from Munich. We asked about it at our hostel, and the people at the desk had never heard of it, so we were a little hesitant, but it ended up being my favorite thing we did here. We hiked around in the mountains for a few hours, enjoying views of the Alps peeking through the fog. Our few hours of casual hiking made me excited for the annual Colorado this fall!

Yesterday, we did a walking tour of the city. It was a fun way to see some of the sights and learn about the history of the city...Like where Hitler gave his first public speech! We went out for a late lunch, hiked over 300 steps to the top of St. Paul's church to look out over the city, then we spent the rest of the evening hanging out in the downtown area.

Today, we got up early to catch a train (then a bus) to Dachau. The concentration camp just outside Munich was built for 6000 but held more than 30,000 when it was liberated in the mid 1940s. It was horrifying to learn about the torture people were put through, the medical experiments that prisoners were put through, and the living quarters...kind of a downer on such a beautiful, sunny day. We came back, got ice cream and post cards, and spent the rest of our afternoon relaxing in a park near our hostel. This afternoon we have to take a train to Memmingem to get to the airport for our flight to Rome. Hard to believe there's only one country left till Spain and only 5 days till our group separates!

Snack: Pretzel the size of my head. Delish.

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