Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I've been horribly rushed with all of my blog entries so far, so i hope to fill in some gaps in the upcoming weeks. Edinburgh was amazing and beautiful, and I kinda love Scotland. Andy, Monica, and I spent our entire first day just walking the streets and visiting all the shops, taking pictures of men in kilts (we're creepy, I know) and the beautiful buildings, and stopping for tea. We found a pub with live music after dinner and spent most of the evening there. Oh yeah, we also found an Adam Smith statue on our way home, so Michelle and I got to act out our inner Econ nerdly-ness :)

The next morning, we woke up to head to the castle. Monica, Michelle, and I found a little footpath up the side, so we got to use our rock climbing, scrambling skills to crawl up to the top of the castle. It was a lot of fun, and there were great views of the city from our little perch. Once we made our way back down, we went around the actual trail to enter the castle and see the armor, the crown jewels, etc. It's not every day you get to hang out in a castle!! We even happened to be there when the daily 1pm cannon shot was fired.

The day ended pretty early since we had to get up at 3:30am for our flight to London, so it has been a long, long day.

Sent from my iPod

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