Saturday, June 11, 2011


We woke up at 3:30 am in Edinburgh to catch our bus then flight to
London, so we started the day off tired. We had some trouble finding
our hostel...apparently street numbers don't always go in order [helpful], but
we figured it out without TOO much wandering! We all started at
Trafalger Square, then the rest of the afternoon was filled with art
galleries, parks, palaces, and shopping (along with glimpses of all
the iconic sights).

I also got to see the Rosetta Stone at the British
Museum -- right across the street from our hostel!

We met up with Mary Jo for dinner and walked around with her
for a bit afterwards. It was good to get some of the scoop from
someone who has been living in London for the last year!

Today, I saw St Paul's Cathedral, the tower of London and the tower
bridge. I hadn't seen any of these tourist attractions on my first trip here, so that made
the trip a little more exciting! The four of us got to our bus stop in
plenty of time, but Michelle had made a few other stops and had a tube pass,
so she was planning to meet us at the bus stop. (The rest of us decided to walk a half hour to get there, since tube passes are 4-6 pounds per trip...which is near $7-10!!) We had envisioned her
running late/not finding the bus stop, so we took lots of preventative
measures...we left her a note and her plane ticket in her bag, we taped
up directions on bus stops in the middle of London [should have taken a picture..], etc.

We were all loaded up on the bus when we saw a frantic and sweaty
Michelle at the end of the street, doing her best to sprint toward the
bus with her HUGE backpack over her shoulders. Luckily, the driver was
nice enough to wait for her and let her on the bus, so we all made it
to the airport safe and sound!

Sent from my iPod

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