Monday, May 30, 2011

Marathon: Check. Next up: Europe

Yesterday, I ran the Madison marathon while Lisa Jepsen ran (and dominated) the half marathon. It was a very hilly course, and it rained the last 5 miles, but the temperature was perfect and the scenery was beautiful. My quads are quite angry with me today, but it's a small price to pay :)

Tomorrow, the European adventure begins. Andy, Michelle, Monica, Andrea and I fly into Madrid, then we will pass through Paris, Brussles, Amsterdam, Edinburgh, London, Cork, Munich, Rome, Sorrento, Venice, Milan. Then Andy and I will have a week in Spain, probably staying mostly in and around Oviedo (where I did my study abroad). Amparo, my Spanish host mom, sent the keys to her house, so I'm excited to go back "home," walk the streets of Oviedo, go to a movie in Spanish, hike Cristo...all the things I used to do. I'm sure the month will go fast...I'll post updates when I can!

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