Thursday, May 19, 2011

Back in Managua

Yesterday was our last day at the co-op, and it was a busy, busy day! We got plenty of clothes as recuerdos. We translated a legal sales contract for a company in Germany [why we translated it into English, I have no idea..] and a meeting with a client in Texas via skype. High-pressure translations!!

Then we helped Leslie work on her order, picked up our bags from the house, and Doug drove us back to CEPAD. We went to get fruit smoothies, which was the first fruit we had (outside of a couple mangos, which, btw, were AWESOME) for the last two weeks! And found a sushi place a couple blocks away, which totally hit the spot! There was a group here singing traditional Nicaraguan songs, so we just chilled at CEPAD for the night.

This morning we went to Casa Ben Linder with Doug, there was a presentation about Info Co-op, an organization that regulates all cooperatives in Nicaragua. It was really cool to get some more perspective on the whole coop scene.

Then we stopped at La Escuelita in Mercado Oriental again to hang out with some of the kids for a bit. It was fun, and they all remembered us from the water park last Friday! When we had to leave, they all tried to pile out the door at once, and it ended up like a domino effect with all 50 kids piling out and falling in a giant pig pile.

We came back for lunch, and Louis I and Louis II came here with a couple groups from Jersey and Oregon, so we got to hang out and catch up with them for a few hours, which was awesome! This trip we have gotten to see so many friends from last year - Harold, Wendy, Gerald, Louis, and Louis! It's way cool to be able to go to another country and have friends to see and catch up with.

Sent from my iPod

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