Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Another morning in Managua

We stayed a second night at CEPAD, and we are heading to the co-op this morning. Yesterday we ran some errands in town with Harold, one of the CEPAD coordinators.

We went to the bank with armed security guards, where we had to walk through airport-like security to enter. We then had to take a number and wait in a sitting room of about 30 people until one of the 18 tellers call our number. [why so many people? and why so many tellers? wow.]

Then we went to a grocery store where Robyn and I bought food for the rest of the week. Our total bill was just under US$13 for the two of us. yeah, total! ....it would sure be nice to have that kind of grocery bill in the US!

Last night our friend Wendy came to visit us, so that was awesome to catch up with her for a bit. She helped out with our group last year, so we got lots of bonding time in! :)

Then we wen with Harold to the airport to surprise the UNI capstone group that arrived.

In other news, I don't think I've stopped sweating since we got here Sunday night.. Delish.

More soon!
Sent from my iPod

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