Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I heart Iowa

My padre has brought it to my attention that I have yet to officially announce that I am back HOME in the USA. It was a great trip, but it's nice to get back to cooler weather (vs. 98 degrees and about 10,000,000,000 % humidity), hot showers, oatmeal for breakfast, a gym, and my fam...and puppies :)

We were actually able to accomplish a lot in two short weeks at the co-op. Here are just a few:
*Provided a small business seminar
*Shared market survey results and made recommendations
*Translated emails, presentations, phone conferences, and legal documents
(Side note: we translated a Skype call with a company in Texas that ended up placing a 700-piece order!!)
*Contacted potential buyers, distributors, and business partners
*Helped facilitate orders
*Created new designs for the line of baby clothes
*Photographed current clothing designs to create an online product catalog
*Attended a presentation to learn more about Info Co-Op in Nicaragua

Now I have a few days back home to unpack my things from Cedar Falls and organize my life before this weekend's marathon in Madison, Wisconsin (I'm sure my breakfast from the last two weeks will bite me in the butt on this one), and then we leave for Europe on Tuesday the 31. Hard to believe how fast summer is going already!! More in a week from Madrid!

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