Thursday, September 1, 2011


Amazing.  Salvador is much more what I was expecting out of Brazil -- very cultural, great food, lots of beach! Our hotel is on top of a huge hill that overlooks the city and the ocean.  We have been doing more university visits here.  It feels like a very fast stop!

There is a much bigger African population here than in SP (80%!), and we had the chance to see a performance that combined traditional African dance, condomble (African religious ceremony), and capoiera (martial arts meets dance -- slaves used this to train to fight in an undercover way!)

...This was after an amazing group dinner of moqueca, a traditional Bahian in a tomato and coconut milk-based sauce, served with grilled peppers and onions, over rice.

We had a free weekend, so Saturday we went to the historic center to go to the huge Mercado Modelo, a market with all kinds of leather sandals, tshirts, artwork, jewelry, and on and on and on...

Sunday was beautiful.  So outside of a long run through town and a quick food break, most of us spent the whole day soaking up the sun from our rooftop pool.

One thing I've really enjoyed here is the language.  My Portuguese is pretty limited, but I know enough to get by for the few days we're in Brazil.  The only people here that speak any English are the hotel staff and the professors we meet with at universities...people have been really patient though, I think they mostly appreciate the effort of foreigners to speak their language (and to realize that it is NOT Spanish). The exposure has made me really excited to learn more when I get back...I'm thinking a Port. class this fall is a must!! Monday night,w e fly to Rio de Janeiro for our final days in Brazil...

Ate mais!

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