Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Did I just see that? #1

I was asked to name the weirdest thing I've seen in New York so far, and I was torn...
  1. There was the guy riding his bike with no handle bars carrying a big screen TV overhead. Seriously, how are you going to get yourself out of that position?
  2. There's the bike that was locked to a stop sign with a big Kermit the frog sitting on the seat (note: I saw Kermit sitting on a fire hydrant later that night).
  3. It could be the man I saw in Trader Joe's today who literally had every inch of skin tattooed some shade of blue or green. Not kidding, even his nose.
Because I see some pretty odd things on a pretty regular basis, I'm going to start posting regularly about some of the strange things I see on the streets of New York City. Please comment on favorites :)

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