Monday, February 4, 2013

Poverty and Inequality in Choluteca

Today some stats were published in the local newspaper about the department (think State) of Choluteca, where I am living/working:

17% of the population has not finished primary school, 13% of those who should be attending grades 1-9 are not enrolled, 24% of residents lack electricity, 14% lack potable water, 21% have only a dirt floor, etc...

Another article was about how a hospital in Tegucigalpa has had patients waiting to receive urgent medical treatment since before Christmas because the hospital cannot afford to replace the machine to sterilize hospital equipment and other necessary infrastructure to treat patients.

Today, I also visited several schools where we will be working in the next two months, running medical and dental clinics and delivering nutrient-enhanced food donated by Kids Against Hunger. One school is looking for a way to put a ceramic tile floor in, and a teacher described another school that was in extreme need..there are no desks in the school so the students sit on the dirt floor.

Seeing the sites, hearing the stories, and reading the numbers makes the need here come alive and see how drastic inequalities exist-both between the US and Honduras and within Honduras itself. Fancy cars fly past people riding horseback or walking barefoot in dusty, worn out clothes traveling down the same highway. Right across the street from my spacious, air-conditioned home sits a stick house with a tarp for a roof...

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