Wednesday, February 6, 2013

La Laguna

Here is a place with a beautiful view, but the 40-some kids who live there have to trek an hour up a hilly, rocky, nearly impassable road to get to the nearest school. Most of the kids in this community also lack shoes. This fall, the organization started fundraising to build a school for the kids in this community, and yesterday we went to go check on the progress.

The community member supervising the project, Don Cristobal, told me:

"Education for the kids in our community has been a big struggle. They used to have to walk to the school in San Antonio de Padua, and for a long time we've been fighting to have a school for them in our own community. For a while we were holding classes on the ground in open spaces in the community here, but we we were still lacking classrooms so it was very difficult. As a community, we are so thankful that this project has begun. We can have our kids closer, in our own community, rather than sending them all the way to San Antonio. It would take the kids nearly an hour to walk there. There are 23 families that live in this community and about 40 kids who will attend this school when it is complete. Before, we were asking for help from politicians, mayors, but no one had the funds to help us build a school for our children until your organization helped us begin the project. The work here so far has been a great success, we will soon have our own school building. The materials for the school are brought from Tegucigalpa to San Antonio and the members of the community carry the building materials up the road to La Laguna and are helping to build the school. The community members are making a sacrifice to support this project, everyone is helping in some way. We still have a lot of work to do, but everyone in our community is ready to help, and we are very excited and thankful that someone listened and is helping us with what we have been fighting for. When we are finished, we will not have to send our kids on a long journey or have them sit outside every day to learn from their teacher."


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