Monday, August 8, 2011


I survived my first full day living in NYC. After getting my things organized, I went to go find a nearby Kmart...which was not at all at the address Google claimed it would be (I think I actually do know where it is now), ended up wandering up to Union Square, and picked up some groceries at the place across the street on my way back.

Going out to eat here is expensive, but so are groceries! I couldn't find a single-serving of yogurt for less than $1.15, and the lunch meat I normally get at home for $2.99 was $5.99. One thing that is kind of interesting though, is that all stores identify the price per pound on the shelf label, so that makes for easy comparison.

Then I went to Brooklyn in search of the nearest Target. Some of the subway lines were down for the weekend, so it took a little maneuvering and some map-reading skills (thankfully, I picked up a map in Union Square earlier). My main goals were to find a fan and a curtain. It was comforting to be in a Target where I knew exactly what I was going to find, but it was SO busy that it was a bit difficult to enjoy. Then I had to haul my purchases back onto the subway with me and back up the 5 flights of stairs to my apartment...After going up and down those stairs 4 times yesterday, I think my glutes may have already turned to solid steel.

Then, I went to check out the Whole Foods around the corner, which has a MUCH better selection than the market across the street, but it's also pretty pricey. I think my next grocery attempt will be Trader Joe's, but as of right now, Whole Foods wins.

After dinner, I met up with Vaske and got to see some of the sights in the Financial District. It was nice to have someone who has been here for 8 months to show me around and to discover some places that would be fun to go back to and hang out. I obviously don't have things completely figured out, but I feel like everywhere in Manhattan that I have been is pretty safe! ...Even my neighborhood where I live next to the ex-mafia joint!

This morning, our cheerful exterminator was banging on the door by 7am for his monthly visit ...So now my goals for the day include - getting my student ID card, checking out the rec center, and then catching up on some reading before I have class this evening. We'll see what else I stumble into...

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